By the time this pandemic has subsided, there won’t be a single individual who has been spared from the impact.  Let’s be clear, though, some will be harder hit than others.   According to The Federal Reserve’s 2018 Survey of Household Economics and Decision Making, 4 in 10 Americans would struggle to come up with $400 during an emergency.  Well, that emergency has arrived and thanks to the economic freefall caused by this crisis, the percentage of households who will be unable to pay their bills is going to be much higher than 40%.  Those who were living on such tight margins will be the first to fall over the cliff, unless we come together as a community to catch them.

Here at Fair Tide we have been in full-on response mode for the past few weeks. Communication with our current clients has switched primarily to the virtual realm.  Our case manager’s top priority has been helping to keep them safe, healthy, stocked up, and stable.  Our thrift store has been closed since March 16th, but our dedicated staff has been working staggered, periodic hours to sort, clean, organize and rearrange.  We are excited to share the improvements with you when it’s deemed safe to reopen our doors. They have also been posting a variety of items for sale through our online avenues to keep as much revenue coming in as possible.  Additionally, we made the difficult, but right decision to postpone our Spring Dinner until September 16th.  Effectively eliminating these major streams of funding creates a significant financial challenge for Fair Tide.  However, we are lucky to have a rainy day fund to get us through the next few months when our services are going to be in more demand than ever.

We have now shifted our focus from crisis response to preparing for the inevitable uptick in need.  Our biggest priority is to make the process of reaching out and accessing help as easy and user friendly as possible.  Our local Kittery community is incredibly lucky to have a handful of organizations that provide emergency financial support to those in need.  We have brought everyone together to coordinate our efforts, evaluate existing resources, and create a unified plan.  The result of this collaboration is a single point of entry for people seeking assistance.

Anyone who finds themselves struggling financially should call 207-439-2699.  Staff from York County Community Action and Fair Tide will be responding to anyone who reaches out. 

These knowledgeable case managers will connect people to the appropriate resources, and help navigate the often confusing and cumbersome applications for federal programs.   Many people who have never been in a position to need assistance may soon find themselves there.  If you are one of those people, please, reach out, and reach out early.  If you know anyone in that position, please encourage them to do the same.  It is much easier to help with one month’s rent than several months of arrears.

For those of you who have the means to help our neighbors in need, please consider contributing to Fair Tide’s Emergency Response Fund.  This money will go toward individuals and families who need assistance with rent, fuel, utilities, food, and other necessities.

Our hope is that we can prop our community members up, and carry them safely to the other side.  Now is our time to shine.

“Deep within every crisis is an opportunity for something beautiful.” – Kate McGahan